Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
Albert Einstein
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When you meet me, you think I’m quiet. When you talk to me, you wish I was quiet. When you know me, you get scared when I’m quiet.
Time is Precious, Make Sure You Spend it with the Right People
“We never lose friends. We simply learn who the real ones are.”
“Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.”
“We should respect all religions and just believe in peace, kindness and harmony.”
“There are certain people who make the world a better place just by being in it. You are one of those people. I love you my friend.”
“We should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls, gets broken.”
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”
“The only person you should strive to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. ”
“The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy.”
The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.
More from Bright Star
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