Laughter is the Best Medicine
Making a habit of relaxing, engaging in activities you enjoy, and spending time with people who make you happy will yield sustained and increasingly positive benefits of consistently lower stress, positive feelings, better sleep, better coping abilities, and improved relationships.
Teacher: Test will be easy everyone will pass.
When a Girl Says ‘What?’ It’s not because she didn’t hear you, She’s just giving you chance to change what you said.
Teacher: Write Essay on Dog?
I love sleeping, but I never want to go to sleep early…. We stay up late every night, regret it every morning, then do it all over again.
Marriage is a Three-Ring Circus: Engagement Ring, Wedding Ring, and SuffeRing.
They say we learn from our mistakes…. That’s why I’m making as many as possible.
Student: Would you punish me for smoothing I didn’t do?
I have a Smartphone, Smart TV, Smart Fridge, and Smart AC, and I’m essentially the dumbest thing in my house.
Teacher! What is the purpose of having school?
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