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“Any alleged right of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another isn’t and can’t be a right.”
Carrot Juice Benefits: Why You Need to Drink Up Carrot Juice
Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of Success.
“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”
“Sometimes we can feel like we are not good enough, but it is important to remember that we have nothing to prove others. Love and respect yourself each and every day.”
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
“We never lose friends. We simply learn who the real ones are.”
Best Inspiring Quotes – APJ Abdul Kalam
Never Hide your bad side to make someone stay, show your bad side and see who can stay
You have 10 fingers on your hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands?
You can do it!
Challenge your brain, 1 – 3 – 5 / 2 – 4 and ?
Teacher! What is the purpose of having school?
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Why do we put Round Pizza in Square Box and eat it in Triangles?
10 Benefits of Coffee Drinking
Your diet is not only what you eat.
List of Bones of the Human Skeleton
Write Shapes’ Names…
India Uses Lakh, Crore, and Arab, Not Million, and Billion
Number of Zeros in Million, Billion, Trillion, Nonillion, to Centillion
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“War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”
A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys. How can this be possible?
Be strong as you fight your way to success, the difficulty you face is nothing compared to the joy of success.
What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it ?
“Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us.”
“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.”
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