The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present.
-Eckhart Tolle
More Motivational, Inspiring Quotes
When you meet me, you think I’m quiet. When you talk to me, you wish I was quiet. When you know me, you get scared when I’m quiet.
A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.
“To me, beauty is natural beauty. If you’re naturally yourself, you’re beautiful.”
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
“If you think friendship is easy, then you have never had a true friend.”
“The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart.”
Tomorrow is a new day
“Don’t focus on negative things; focus on the positive, and you will flourish.”
“If you salute your duty, you no need to salute anybody, but if you pollute your duty, you have to salute everybody.”
Most Famous Quotes by ‘Albert Einstein’ on Everything
“Don’t lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.”
Do Not Compare Your Journey To Anyone Else’s
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