“Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer.”
–Ziad Abdelnour
More Motivational, Inspiring Quotes
“War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”
It’s not about where you come from it’s about where you’re going
“There are certain people who make the world a better place just by being in it. You are one of those people. I love you my friend.”
Never regret being a good person, to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them.
Be Kind, Have Grace, Give Thanks, Speak Love, and Stay Swaggy
Your child needs your presence more than your presents. – Jesse Jackson
“Don’t make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what’s actually good for you.”
“To me, beauty is natural beauty. If you’re naturally yourself, you’re beautiful.”
The brightest stars are those who shine for the benefit of others
“Why don’t you focus on where you’re going and less on where you came from?”
“We should respect all religions and just believe in peace, kindness and harmony.”
There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.
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