“Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.”
— Les Brown
More Motivational, Inspiring Quotes
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
“The moment we cry in a film is not when things are sad but when they turn out to be more beautiful than we expected them to be.”
“Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.”
“Choose thoughts that give you the emotions of being alive and excited about life.”
“Kindness gives birth to kindness.”
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.
“When all the dust is settled and all the crowds are gone, the things that matter are faith, family, and friends.”
There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.
“If you want to fly give up everything that weighs you down.”
Expect Nothing and You will Never be Disappointed
“Don’t go through life, grow through life.”
“That is what compassion does. It challenges our assumptions, our sense of self-limitation, worthlessness, of not having a place in the world, our feelings of loneliness and estrangement. These are narrow, constrictive states of mind. As we develop compassion, our hearts open.”
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