If you are positive, you’ll see opportunities instead of obstacles.
-Widad Akrawi
More Motivational, Inspiring Quotes
“Sometimes we can feel like we are not good enough, but it is important to remember that we have nothing to prove others. Love and respect yourself each and every day.”
A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant.
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. (Pele)
Be the reason somebody’s faith in humanity is restored.
“Success is not only for the elite. Success is there for those who want it, plan for it, and take action to achieve it.”
“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.”
“There are certain people who make the world a better place just by being in it. You are one of those people. I love you my friend.”
Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.”
“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen you may learn something new.”
Be Happy Be Yourself, if others don’t like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everybody.
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