Every family has a person who breaks the chain of poverty, Be that person to your family.
More Motivational, Inspiring Quotes
“Success is not only for the elite. Success is there for those who want it, plan for it, and take action to achieve it.”
To the world, you are a mother, to your family you are the world.
There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.
“If you don’t know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn.”
“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.”
“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”
Never regret being a good person, to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them.
Be strong as you fight your way to success, the difficulty you face is nothing compared to the joy of success.
“Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don’t lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.”
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.
“Anything that costs your peace is too expensive”
“Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back, they are behind you for a reason.”
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