The brightest stars are those who shine for the benefit of others

The brightest stars are those who shine for the benefit of others
More Motivational, Inspiring Quotes
Tomorrow is a new day
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. (Pele)
“Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don’t lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.”
“Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused when we are living to please others.”
“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.”
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others. Difficult is to realize your own mistakes.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
“If you think friendship is easy, then you have never had a true friend.”
“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.”
Be Kind, Have Grace, Give Thanks, Speak Love, and Stay Swaggy
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